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Exercises and tips to improve your reaction abilities in the game

If you are a fan of video games, you probably have a good list of gaming products. We all love to win, but not everything depends on whether powerful.
If you are a fan of video games, you probably have a good list of gaming products. We all love to win, but not everything depends on whether powerful hardware or next-generation gaming peripherals, but after all, the performance you have in the game will sub belongs almost entirely to you, as the user. So in this article, we will give you a bunch of tips so you can improve your performance as a gamer without having to buy anything.

In games these days, especially in esports or those with competitive multiplayer modes, where focus, thinking, and fast movement is essential to achieving victory. Obviously, the hardware has to come and go with this, but today we're not going to go into it but who you are, as a gamer user, as we mentioned before. If you don't have hands, you won't be able to compete.

Processes will improve your gaming performance

If you are tired, sleepy, cold, hungry, too hot, and last long on an outing, your performance will be severely affected. That's why it is essential to maintain a good habit, partly to improve your health, which will allow you to be in a 100% state to be able to focus and think better to Win your game.

Your arms and hands are your most important tools as you play. In the case of a keyboard and mouse or controller, if your fingers are too stiff it will affect your responsiveness, so a good practice is to stretch and strengthen your hands and fingers.

Find movements that relax the joints and ligaments of the hands and arms. A great example is a “prayer” stretch, in which you press your palms and fingers together while your elbows are outward, remaining in the same position for at least 30 seconds while pushing the two. The hands are linked down to stretch the wrists.

Specific finger exercises are also a good habit to improve your gaming performance. The simplest but actually very effective example is the so-called thumb stretch: all you have to do is place your thumb in the palm of your hand and wrap the rest of your fingers around it. Then gently bend your fist toward your hand. ruddy.

These are all exercises that you can do all day without thinking about it. However, as they pointed out in the video above, none of them were reported to have been injured; Don't push your joints beyond their limits and if you feel pain, stop immediately and consult a doctor.
Improve your reflexes with specific games

It's not just good physicality and good health, but ultimately reflexes are for the most part a state of mind, and the best way to improve your reflexes are simply practiced. What you need for this is specific gameplay that hones skills like accuracy, hand-eye coordination, and strategic thinking while under pressure.

Fast-paced first-person shooter games are perfect, especially when you need to team up with other players. These types of games require great reflexes and a lot of eye accuracy, so even if your goal is to improve, such as in MOBA-style games, FPS type gameplay will improve. Improve your performance in these games.

This might seem ridiculous, but if you're looking to improve your gaming performance in a particular game, sometimes practicing in a completely different game will keep you from improving in that particular game. That, to improve your reflexes and ability to think under pressure. . .
More tips to improve your gaming performance

Of course, there are many other factors besides warm-up and good health that will help you perform at your best:
  • Avoid distractions: When you want to maximize your focus, you should always avoid distractions around you such as moving objects (objects, windows, TVs, light sources, etc.). noise included, so playing with headphones is always a good idea to keep you focused.
  • Keeping a good posture: we have often talked about the importance of having a good posture to avoid pain and fatigue. When you want to improve your gaming performance (or simply to the best of your ability), fatigue is your worst enemy.
  • Keep your hands warm: a cold can not only be uncomfortable but also impair your ability to react. When it comes to playing, as we mentioned before, hands are your tools, so keeping them warm is essential.
  • Always have water on hand: Staying hydrated is essential to staying in good condition. If you are thirsty, your body will not only be at its maximum but you also think that you are thirsty and it will take your concentration away from the game.
  • Don't let your hardware sway you: although in this article we're showing you how to improve gaming performance without spending money, we're assuming you have the hardware that works. service. If your PC is jerky or if your mouse is not accurate enough, it doesn't matter if you are in perfect physical condition as you won't be able to get the best performance out.
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