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Ruined King: A League of Legends Story, First Trailer

Riot Games doesn't just open the beta version of League of Legends: Wild Rift to more countries, including Europe. The company also released the first
Riot Games doesn't just open the beta version of League of Legends: Wild Rift to more countries, including Europe. The company also released the first trailer for Ruined King: A League of Legends Story and we have to admit that we are looking for more now.

League of Legends single-player section has a new trailer

Riot Games has expanded the number of countries that have access to the open beta of League of Legends: Wild Rift, the mobile version that tailors the entire League of Legends gaming and fun experience, or LoL is common, more people will know better.

However, even though it's one of his ads marked by what it means, the truth is it doesn't come alone. Along with this news, the first trailer for Ruined King: League of Legends Story could be seen as well, and we have to admit that if the popular MOBA doesn't draw much attention to the game mechanics, etc., then this is possible as it focuses on a single player.

As you can see in the trailer, where snippets of the game's own gameplay are shown, in Ruined King: A League of Legends Story we're going to command a team of three champions with whom we can be seen in the original game. But this time there won't be more players than you. And this is a game for solo play or single-player, would be more correct.

This way, if being dependent on others or simply playing with strangers doesn't appeal to you, with Ruined King, what you can do is enjoy all of League's cosmic story. Legend at your speed.

But not to hit around the bushes. In the trailer, we find ourselves in the city of Bilgewater, where we are told of a chaotic dynasty. That's why you'll have to choose your champion and form a team with three more people that will accompany you and allow you to face different enemies that will appear with more assurance. Or that's the right thing to do, because your decisions may not always be right.

With very colorful graphics, the dominant aerial view when we travel city or other environments will turn aside, very classic of role-playing games with turn-based battles ( Final Fantasy style, etc.) you will more clearly see your characters, enemies, and their own abilities.

One story can make many people curious

It's not clear about the complete story that will form this Riot Games title, but what seems to come true is that since it's a single-player game it's very likely multiplayer will be encouraged by it. For other reasons, they wouldn't do it with LoL or they tried and found that it was not for them, even though the story caught their attention.

However, it will take a little patience. The trailer has indeed made us long, but until the end of 2021, it won't see the light as its development team has announced that it will happen. Of course, when it's released it will be available for both console and PC and who knows if it's a future Game Award winner.
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