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What Technology Will Change the Game World?

The gaming industry has come a long way since its in founding in the 1940s. Technology has changed the game in a dizzying way, modern games

The gaming industry has come a long way since its in founding in the 1940s. Technology has changed the game in a dizzying way, modern games have an intuitive user interface, impressive experience. As a game developer or a real gamer, do you wonder how the online gaming world will develop next, what technology will be the star in this entertainment industry?

Let's analyze and catch up with the trend today.

Stream Game

Streaming technology with simple images can be likened to continuous flow of water. It is a technique that helps to send a continuous and stable amount of data to the destinations, allowing users to receive viewing / listening almost immediately. Normally, straeming will transmit audio or video data but in online games it has been applied to allow us to play with friends. Typically, pupg game has allowed to create a play room of up to 100 people at the same time. That's an impressive number!

In addition, another area is not directly involved in the game but is also re-defined everyone's gaming habits. It's Stream Game. What's better when we can both play games and talk and interact with thousands of viewers who share our interests. Therefore, the challenge for streaming platforms today is to ensure in terms of scale, speed as well as image quality.

As a new field has emerged in recent years, it can be seen as a fertile land that is gradually being explored. So what to learn to be one of the pioneers in this field? On a simple level, people only need skills in building Mobile, Web or PC applications to build streaming applications (Through the use of available services, open source). A little deeper, if you want to edit, interfere with the available streaming staff, or build yourself, you need knowledge of network programming, multi-threaded programming. In terms of language, you will be more convenient if you know languages that can intervene deeply in the system, manage memory as well as C / C ++, ... At higher levels of expertise, you will have to learn the technologies to suit the problem to be solved, such as distributed systems, compression algorithms, infrastructure,...

Cloud Gaming

Also known as Game in the Cloud. The idea is that we no longer need PCs with powerful graphics hardware configurations. All those hard work let the servers take over, then transmit the image, sound to the user's machine and your operations on the keyboard and mouse will also be transmitted back to the server. Regarding the greatness of this service, let's take a new game launched this year as an example.

On August 18, 2020, Microsoft released the game Flight Simulator. This is considered a big step forward in the trend of cloud gaming. The game will simulate the process of flying the plane but the map will be the entire city in the world. With a capacity of 2 million TB, the game has simulated in detail to each house, every road in the world. In addition, the weather in the game will be updated realtimes according to each player's location.

With such a scale, this game seems to have become a playground for technology "big men" alone because of their potential: manpower, infrastructure,...

Augmented Reality

AR technology is realtime image processing technology. Object recognition, plane recognition, hand gestures,... then add digital materials to it. So the real world will be enhanced by the digital world. We can experience this technology on some new wearables such as Microsoft hololens or Magic Leap or ... on your phone or Ipad the way Apple did

Thus, we can fully hope and look forward to the near future, the game world will be much better.

If you're interested in this new way of experiencing tasks, comment below and you'll have a tutorial to build such a moibile app.

Virtual Reality

VR technology is not new today, but it is still a technology with high development potential. Imagine now you'll be immersed in the game world instead of looking at it through a flat screen. That "immersive" experience comes from basic actions such as walking, running, hand manipulation,... are well received by the computer and control the character in the game exactly like. It can be said that VR is technology that has blurred the boundaries between real and virtual, opening up unlimited worlds for human creativity.

Nowadays, we can also access this type of experience with our phone and a basic VR headset – you can only watch VR videos or videos that are available a lot on youtube.

Artificial Intelligence - AI

Artificial intelligence is undoubtedly one of the most famous technologies in the 21st century. Its application is very diverse and widespread. However, in the game, the combination of AI has been around since 1956 when Arthur Samuel introduced the caro chess program. Today, there has been a sharp increase in the use of AI in online games.

Moreover, AI assists in character development that improves computer-to-customer interaction and enhances gaming images. In addition, AI is also used in predictive analysis through methods such as past pattern recognition and random guessing. Some algorithms such as Artificial Neurological Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Tree Learning decide to help make these predictions.

IGO - Initial Gaming Offering

It is a form of community fundraising, specialized for the Online Game industry, applying Blockchain technology .

IGO is similar to ICO or IEO, issued a maximum amount of tokens (total supply), white paper (White Paper) for investors to study whether the project has the potential to invest or not.

IGO is a very good opportunity for investors, gamers and agency systems to have access to this new form of investment and payment. In parallel with the development of a network of token game distributors, IGO is the fastest way to reach huge user files in the gaming industry without printing scratch cards as traditional forms, helping to buy and sell and exchange game tokens quickly. The information recorded on the ledger is public, transparent and easily controlled between the parties.


With such technological advances, we live in an age of extraordinary things, every day there are many "unbelievable" things happening in that game world. Today we have the right to hope that tomorrow's world will be even better than that.
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